I never really understood how one’s skin color could be a symbol of dominance over others. But then again, I never understood how you could fuck your sister and have your parents
approve, or even join in.
Though I guess that’s what happens when education and sexual practices in the the southern part of the country remain unchanged for 200 years.
Racism used to be a serious problem in this country, back when people were stupid. Nowadays, both racism and the KKK are just plain hilarious.
I don’ think we should ever get rid of the Klan. It’s a fucking institution in this country. The Klan brings all types of peoples together. Who else could cause America to
unite in laughter when their New York rally fails horribly?
Klanners are the only people who could be hit by a train and be mocked instead of attaining sympathy. It’s great.
Of course the Klan, and their white supremecist bretheren make some extremely valid points, if you’ve grown up in a house supported by cinderblocks, and have been forced to munch your mom’s dehydrated snatch
all your life.
One of the premiere white power sites, www.whitesonly.net, provides uncontestable truth that non-whites are pathetic and feeble creatures. They also go the extra
length and show just why whites are better with levels of stinging wit, unheard of in blacks and mexicans.
One of whitesonly.net’s high-level essays is entitled “Why do White Women Fuck Niggers?” Inside it details the exact reasons why black men seek out white women, for their sexual activities, and what the
psychological malfunctions are of white women who sex black men.
Now, this may be news, to you the reader, but all racists are homosexual as well. Oh yes it’s true, you observed the Grand Wizard and Dragon upon entering. Those photos were obtained by the crack JoyGun
undercover team, revealing what truly goes on inside a racist organization. In fact, it’s safe to say that all white supremecy groups in this country are nothing more than homosexual orgy clubs.
a klan rally
Whitesonly.net only proves this fact, by railing against hot chicks for supposed reason that they’ve dated non-whites. They attempt to cut down hotties, like Jennifer Anniston, Julia Roberts, and Resse
Shit, if you’ve got something against them, you’re as gay as they come.
chains of misery fun facts
Racists are 90% more likely to engange in homosexual activity.
Male members of the KKK are 100% more likely to suck dick by the age of 14 than male non-members.
89% of female Klan members are obese
The “bush” of female Klan members begins are their bellybutton.
98% of Klan deaths are a direct result of inbreeding.
straight male choice
klanner choice
Yeah, black people are obviously the the fucked up ones here...
White supremecy groups like the Klan carry out their adgenda for only one reason, they’re jealous of black people
Let’s face facts, black people are a hell of a lot cooler than white people. Name one geeky black guy. You can’t, and even if you did, it’d be impossible to name one white guy cooler than he was.
Between Shaft, Black Belt Jones, the black Green Lantern, and Roadblock, they’ve called all the bases of smoothness covered as well. The best white people can hope for, is acceptance by emulating all the cool
shit black people give us, like jazz and rap.
proof black people are cooler than white people
In conclusion, racist groups, like the KKK should not exterminated. Why? Because they offer so much comedic material, it’s unbelievable.
However, for those of you who do wish white supremecists gone, don’t worry. Soon enough they will inbreed themselves out of existence.
So next time you see a Klan a rally, don’t get angry, just point and laugh. Or you could just throw anal lube and pictures of fat chicks at them.